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Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI) which stores scientific papers published in the period from 1997 to the present. There are more then 500.000 record in the CROSBI bibliography at the present, more then 51.000 with full-text available. CROSBI bibliography improves the visibility of the scientific output, the impact inside scientific community and provides preservation of archived records.

CROSBI was launched in 1997 with the main goal to collect the data on scientific output of the current research projects financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MSES) and to make them publicly available in open access. Today CROSBI provides a comprehensive overview of all the literature produced by Croatian scientists: journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, theses, reports, manuscripts, etc. Scientists themselves provide the data into the database, quite often before the paper has been published. Furthermore, CROSBI provides a digital archive of many full-text papers. CROSBI provides "on demand" current bibliography for the institution, project, scientist or subject. Librarians are active partners in database maintenance too as they are correcting the data and communicating with scientists in order to improve the accuracy of the data.

Gradually, CROSBI has evolved into a comprehensive bibliography collecting all types of scientific publications in Croatia. The data stored in the database are used for many purposes such as:

  1. annual project reports,
  2. evaluation of the new project applications,
  3. scientific advancement,
  4. current bibliographies of the academic and research institution,
  5. personal bibliographies,
  6. current research data.

Please, do not hesitate to send us your comments and suggestions.

Zbog završnih aktivnosti vezano uz migraciju CROSBI-ja na CroRIS platformu unos i uređivanje zapisa neće biti moguć u razdoblju od petka 7.7.2023. u 12 sati do ponedjeljka 11.7.2023.

