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Pygmy Dipole Strength in Exotic Nuclei and the Equation of State (CROSBI ID 559430)

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Klimkiewicz, A ; Paar, Nils ; Adrich, P ; Fallot, M ; Bleis, T ; Rossi, D ; Boretzky, K ; Aumann, T ; Alvarez-Pol, H ; Aksouh, F et al. Pygmy Dipole Strength in Exotic Nuclei and the Equation of State // American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1165 / Matko Milin, Tamara Niksic, Suzana Szilner, Dario Vretenar (ur.). American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2009. str. 181-184

Podaci o odgovornosti

Klimkiewicz, A ; Paar, Nils ; Adrich, P ; Fallot, M ; Bleis, T ; Rossi, D ; Boretzky, K ; Aumann, T ; Alvarez-Pol, H ; Aksouh, F ; Benlliure, J ; Berg, T ; Boehmer, M ; Casarejos, E ; Chartier, M ; Chatillon, A ; Cortina-Gil, D ; Datta Pramanik, U ; Elze, Th. W ; Emling, H ; Ershova, O ; Fernando-Dominguez, B ; Geissel, H ; Gorska, M ; Heil, C ; Hellström, M ; Johansson, H ; Jones, K. L. ; Junghans, A ; Kiselev, O ; Kratz, J. V. ; Kulessa, R ; Kurz, N ; Labiche, M ; Lemmon, R. ; Litvinov, Y ; Mahata, K ; Maierbeck, P ; Nilsson, T ; Nociforo, C ; Palit, R ; Paschalis, S ; Plag, R ; Reifarth, R ; Simon, H ; Sümmerer, K ; Surówka, G ; Vretenar, Dario ; Wagner, A ; Waluś, I. W. ; Weick, H. ; Winkler M


Pygmy Dipole Strength in Exotic Nuclei and the Equation of State

A concentration of dipole strength at energies below the giant dipole resonance was observed in neutron-rich nuclei around 132Sn in an experiment using the FRS-LAND setup. This so- called “pygmy” dipole strength can be related to the parameters of the symmetry energy and to the neutron skin thickness on the grounds of a relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation. Using this ansatz and the experimental findings for 130Sn and 132Sn, we derive a value of the symmetry energy pressure of 0 = 2.2±0.5 MeV/fm3. Neutron skin thicknesses of Rn−Rp = 0.23±0.03 fm and 0.24±0.03 fm for 130Sn and 132Sn, respectively, have been determined. Preliminary results on 68Ni from a similar experiment using an improved setup indicate an enhanced cross section at low energies, while the results for 58Ni are in accordance with results from photoabsorption measurements.

symmetry energy; ion beams; coulomb excitation; neutron skin

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Matko Milin, Tamara Niksic, Suzana Szilner, Dario Vretenar

American Institute of Physics (AIP)


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Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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