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Stellar electron-capture rates calculated with the finite- temperature relativistic random-phase approximation (CROSBI ID 172725)

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Niu, Yifei ; Paar, Nils ; Vretenar, Dario ; Meng, Jie Stellar electron-capture rates calculated with the finite- temperature relativistic random-phase approximation // Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, 83 (2011), 4; 045807-1-045807-10. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.045807

Podaci o odgovornosti

Niu, Yifei ; Paar, Nils ; Vretenar, Dario ; Meng, Jie


Stellar electron-capture rates calculated with the finite- temperature relativistic random-phase approximation

We introduce a self-consistent microscopic theoretical framework for modeling the process of electron capture on nuclei in stellar environment, based on relativistic energy density functionals. The finite-temperature relativistic mean-field model is used to calculate the single-nucleon basis and the occupation factors in a target nucleus, and Jπ=0±, 1±, and 2± charge- exchange transitions are described by the self-consistent finite- temperature relativistic random-phase approximation. Cross sections and rates are calculated for electron capture on 54, 56Fe and 76, 78Ge in stellar environment, and results compared with predictions of similar and complementary model calculations.

weak-interaction rates; intermediate-mass nuclei; Mean-field theory; Hartree-bogoliubov theory; shell-model calculations; range a=45-65; rate tables; FP-shell; environments; supernovae

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83 (4)






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