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Concept of Learning Factory at FSRE (CROSBI ID 674079)

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Željko Stojkić, Igor Bošnjak Concept of Learning Factory at FSRE // Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials MTSM2018 / Jozić, Sonja ; Nikola, Gjeldum (ur.). Split: Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu materijala (HDZaMa), 2018. str. 177-182

Podaci o odgovornosti

Željko Stojkić, Igor Bošnjak


Concept of Learning Factory at FSRE

Employee’s competencies are the key resources of an enterprise to quickly adapt to ever changing conditions. In this context competency development at all levels is needed for those adaption processes. One promising approach for effective development of competencies is the learning factory concept. In the last years, learning factories as close-toindustry environments for education and research have proven to be an effective concept addressing these challenges. In this paper, the background of term Learning factory will be presented, its different definition that are found in the literature, establishment of the term “learning factory” and its description model. The concept of Learning Factory at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electrical Engineering, University of Mostar has been presented. Current state has been described regarding, space, equipment and infrastructure. At the end are presented future plans regarding fulfillment the LF concept on FSRE.

Manufacturing education, Learning factory, Competence development

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Jozić, Sonja ; Nikola, Gjeldum

Split: Hrvatsko društvo za zaštitu materijala (HDZaMa)


Podaci o skupu

8th International Conference: Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials (MTSM 2018)



Split, Hrvatska

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