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Croatian tourism and catering industries on the Internet (CROSBI ID 487787)

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Ružić, Drago ; Dukić, Branimir Croatian tourism and catering industries on the Internet // International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey : Economics and Business in the New Millennium : Book of Abstracts. Zagreb: Graduate School of Economics & Business, 2002. str. 137-137

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Ružić, Drago ; Dukić, Branimir


Croatian tourism and catering industries on the Internet

Indubitably, informatics is the main economic and social development leverage in the third millennium. For economic entities, global communications, e-commerce, and especially the Internet create an entirely new business transaction environment. The Internet becomes a fundamental social infrastructure, the main developmental initiator, an economic success generator, and a vehicle for connection with the international community. The modern global economy becomes increasingly dependant on computer networks. This dependence becomes so strong that the contemporaneous economy acquires new appellations, that of a networking as well as cyber economy, subsequent to the expressions Information Age or information economy. The latter general characteristics also exert an immense influence on the tourism and catering activities. With regard to the tourism industry’ ; s importance for the Croatian economy, it is extremely important to know how the Croatian tourist economic entities utilize the Internet-provided opportunities. Bearing in mind the number of activities and economic entities comprising a tourist aggregate, the paper is confined only to the tourist catering industry as a dominant infrastructural element of a tourism industry offer. Thus, the analysis is limited only to the Internet business opportunities pertinent to the tourist catering industry, observed thru the marketing opportunities, especially new Internet promotion and advertisement types, but also thru an Internet observation as a sort of a distribution channel for numerous tourist services. When responding to the question to which an extent and how the tourist catering entities utilize the Internet possibilities, the foreign experiences and developmental trends are compared with the actual domestic situation, whereby the setup elements of a complex informational site — ; a Web catalog of the Croatian tourism and catering industry offer — ; are being proposed.

Internet; tourist-catering industry; booking systems; tourist portals; tourist Web directories; information search engines

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International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey : Economics and Business in the New Millennium



Zagreb, Hrvatska

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