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Criteria for establishing a model for defining Croatian regions laging in development (CROSBI ID 487915)

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Jurlin, Krešimir ; Puljiz, Jakša ; Maleković, Sanja Criteria for establishing a model for defining Croatian regions laging in development // Book of Abstracts and CD of the 41st Congress of the European Regional Science Association : ERSA 2001 / Frohlich, Zlatan, Maleković, Sanja, Polić, Mario (ur.). Zagreb: Croatian Section of the European Regional Science Association, 2001. str. 27-27

Podaci o odgovornosti

Jurlin, Krešimir ; Puljiz, Jakša ; Maleković, Sanja


Criteria for establishing a model for defining Croatian regions laging in development

The purpose of this paper is to introduce economic and demographic development criteria as a basis for Croatia’ s regional policy. The paper is the result of a project whose main objective was to provide an analytical basis for developing a model for defining the level of development of the Croatian territorial units, with the aim of widening the span of territorial units which are currrently receiving government support under the “ Law on areas of specific government’ s concern” . The result of this project was a list of the least developed areas in Croatia, as well as a model for evaluating their development. The contents of the paper are basically the following: the criteria on the basis of which the evaluation was carried out ; the statistical basis and indicators of development ; the creation of the development index ; the evaluation model and criteria for classification ; the testing of the model and experimental classification of the territorial units.

Croatia; regional development; less developed regions

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Frohlich, Zlatan, Maleković, Sanja, Polić, Mario

Zagreb: Croatian Section of the European Regional Science Association


Podaci o skupu

Congress of the European Regional Science Association : ERSA 2001 (41 ; 2001)



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
