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Labour productivitiy in the Croatian hotel industry-The source of prosperity and poverty (CROSBI ID 487988)

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Avelini Holjevac, Ivanka Labour productivitiy in the Croatian hotel industry-The source of prosperity and poverty // Tourism Growth and Global Competition. Sankt Gallen: AIEST, 2001. str. 169-186-x

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Avelini Holjevac, Ivanka


Labour productivitiy in the Croatian hotel industry-The source of prosperity and poverty

This paper focuses on labour productivity as an indicator of both labour efficiency, and the material prosperity of a country and its people. In the introductory section, we explain the importance of studying labour productivity. We then define the elements of labour productivity, its impact on the economy, and productivity as the source of poverty and prosperity. In the third section, we examine labour productivity in the hotel industry of Croatia. We will explore the factors of productivity, and the causes of the present situation, and we will propose some measures for eliminating these weaknesses.

labour productivity; assessment and evaluation; productivity factors; hotel industrry

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Sankt Gallen: AIEST

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51sst Congress Tourism Growth and Global Competition




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