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Sports- and Recreation- Tourism Marketing of a Tourist Destination (CROSBI ID 488258)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Meler, Marcel ; Ružić, Drago ; Turkalj, Željko Sports- and Recreation- Tourism Marketing of a Tourist Destination // Proceedings of the European Conference "Sport for all - Health - Tourism" / Bartoluci, Mato ; Heimer, Stjepan ; Ružić, Lana (ur.). Zagreb: European Confederation Sport and Health, 2001. str. 33-37-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Meler, Marcel ; Ružić, Drago ; Turkalj, Željko


Sports- and Recreation- Tourism Marketing of a Tourist Destination

Respecting the fact that there is a significant connection between sports and tourism industry, from a marketing aspect one should consider the modalities of that connection determined by various demand-side needs and motives. Simultaneously, on the supply side, one should take into consideration the concept of a tourism-industry product as an integral one, whereby the sports component in contemporary conditions represents an increasingly important materially formed partial product, with a tendency to transcend, due to its significance, into an image element of certain tourist-destination product, thus becoming a kind of a quasi-product. Undoubtedly, the sports-facility equipment represents a comparative advantage of certain micro and macro tourist destination. The paper depicts the equipment of Croatian hotels in comparison with the same hotel equipment of the main tourism-industry competitors, wherefrom one can partially observe the present sports dimension of the quality of a tourism-industry offer.

marketing; recreation; tourism destination; sport

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bartoluci, Mato ; Heimer, Stjepan ; Ružić, Lana

Zagreb: European Confederation Sport and Health

Podaci o skupu

European Conference "Sport for all - Health - Tourism"



Poreč, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
