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Transition proces and the role of government in Croatia (CROSBI ID 488441)

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Teodorović, Ivan Transition proces and the role of government in Croatia // Workshop on the role of government toward a market economy. Tokyo, 2002

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Teodorović, Ivan


Transition proces and the role of government in Croatia

Under the criteria of globalization small countries are facing specific challenges. The issue is on how they manage to adapt to the changing external environment and the speed at which they manage to change. For transition countries the problems are more complex since they have to finalize their reform efforts and at the same time find their place in the global trends. Small transition countries might face even harsher strain. On one hand they might somewhat easier find their competitive advantages in specific market niches, but on the other they might face higher risks of exposure. The question once again is the relationship of what is being offered and demanded and of proper strategic positioning. The role of the government in this respect is decisive. The options are those of interventionist policies or thorough reformist, market oriented policies. Key words: globalization, economic reform, growth, transition, criteria, role of government, measures.

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The role of government toward a market economy



Tokyo, Japan

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