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How to Improve the Process of Economic Transition - The Croatian Case (CROSBI ID 488886)

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Benić, Đuro ; Ban, Ivo ; Vrtiprah, Vesna How to Improve the Process of Economic Transition - The Croatian Case // 4th International Business and Economics Conference. Wisconsin, 2001. str. 168-183-x

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Benić, Đuro ; Ban, Ivo ; Vrtiprah, Vesna


How to Improve the Process of Economic Transition - The Croatian Case

According to the data on economic liberalization, growth of GDP, inflation and unemployment for transition economies, it can be concluded that Croatia belongs to the group of advanced reformers together with the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. Croatia has stable GDP growth rates since 1996 (except in 1999) and the best transition results for price stability among advanced reformers, but it has the highest rates of unemployment among them. The central problem to the transition of the Croatian economy is the low achievement of the real sector, which did not see any improvement over recent years. It is obvious that the privatization carried out so far did not give the results expected. The mistakes in Croatian economic and overall policies led to an inadequate restructuring of the economy and to a model of economy based on trade development and import expansion, but not on production development and export expansion. This has caused numerous problems which need time and a high price to be solved. The paper analyses the position of Croatia among transitional economies, afterwhich achievements and some problems especially of structuring adjustment, and some possible directions of action for problem solving.

economy; transition; restructuring; enterprise

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4th International Business and Economics Conference



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