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Joint Ventures - A Step Toward Sustainable Competitive Advantage (CROSBI ID 489062)

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Meler, Marcel ; Ružić, Drago ; Horvat, Đuro Joint Ventures - A Step Toward Sustainable Competitive Advantage // Transitional Impacts and the EU Enargement Complexity / KUmar, Andrej ; Kandžija, Vinko (ur.). Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 2002. str. 55-65-x

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Meler, Marcel ; Ružić, Drago ; Horvat, Đuro


Joint Ventures - A Step Toward Sustainable Competitive Advantage

The economic entities in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia are expected to face a future evident for all segments involved in a business-transaction process with the EU. Dynamically observed, in order to be really successful on the EU market nowadays as well as in the future, the Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Croatian economic entities have to try to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. In the accomplishment of this objective, joint ventures emerge as a possibility, i.e., as the highest form of outbound business cooperation. Thru the utilization of undoubtedly high-quality resources placed at the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia's disposal, on the basis of capital investments, R & D, production or merchandise activities, know-how or the like, and by virtue of a joint-venture institute pertinent to the investment in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Croatian economy, the entities could also possibly realize an extremely essential competitive advantage on the EU market, in addition to other economic effects. In other words, joint venture could also lead toward a premium economic-entity opreationalizer, i.e., to a joint-venture one, positioning itself with regard to the competition present both on the domestic and on the EU market.

Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; joint venture; marketing; sustainable

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KUmar, Andrej ; Kandžija, Vinko

Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

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International Conference "Economic System of European Union and Adjustment of Bosnia and Herzegovina"



Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina

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