Nalazite se na CroRIS probnoj okolini. Ovdje evidentirani podaci neće biti pohranjeni u Informacijskom sustavu znanosti RH. Ako je ovo greška, CroRIS produkcijskoj okolini moguće je pristupi putem poveznice
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Consumer Protection in the Republic of Croatia - Fact or Fiction? (CROSBI ID 739294)

Prilog sa skupa u časopisu | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Kesić, Tanja ; Piri Rajh, Sunčana Consumer Protection in the Republic of Croatia - Fact or Fiction? // Journal of macromarketing. 2000. str. 206-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kesić, Tanja ; Piri Rajh, Sunčana


Consumer Protection in the Republic of Croatia - Fact or Fiction?

Serious problems of consumer protection have been noticed in the countries in transition. In the Republic of Croatia, the problem became more severe as a result of the war. These factors have created an environment for many forms of violation of consumer rights. Some of the most drastic examples include financial fraud, information and advertising deception, the unsuitability for use of food and pharmaceutical products, and the rights of tourists. Although some laws partially apply to consumer protection, The Law of Consumer Protection has not yet been passed. This has created a vacuum in which consumer experience violations of their rights. Two surveys which were conducted, in preliminary 1998 and final 1999 support these conclusions. Future solutions are suggested.

consumer protection; consumer rights; Croatia

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

nije evidentirano

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nije evidentirano


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