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Labour Issues and Employment Policy (CROSBI ID 466143)

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Biljan-August, Maja ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Lovrić, Ljiljana Labour Issues and Employment Policy // Economic system of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia / Kandžija, Kumar, Palankaj, Karaman Aksentijević, Gabrovec Mei (ur.). Rijeka: Faculty of Economic Rijeka, Facolta di Economia Trieste, 1997. str. 241-253-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Biljan-August, Maja ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Lovrić, Ljiljana


Labour Issues and Employment Policy

The paper includes the quantitative aspect of the labour force: labour supply and demand in countrues of the European Union and in the Republic of Croatia. Almost half of the EU working age population is employed, and the rate of unemployment is relatively high and amounts to 10.7%, with great differences as to particular member countries. In the Republic of Croatia the unemployment rate is one of the highest in Europa (16,7%), and a specially great deviation from the EU is shown by the employment rate of the working age population, which amounts to a mere 33,2%. The mounting unemployment in Europe of the nineties caused more concrete measures to be taken in order to reduce unemployment, and especially to encourage the employment of the young, the long - term unemployed and unemployed women, and achieve greater efficacy of national and Community labour markets. In this way it has been confirmed that the drive against unemployment remains the EU priority task. The economic structure of unemployment shows that in the Republic of Croatia it is mainly a question of cyclial unemployment, and it is expected to be reduced with the economic upswing.

Labour force; Employment; Unemployment; European Union; Republic of Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kandžija, Kumar, Palankaj, Karaman Aksentijević, Gabrovec Mei

Rijeka: Faculty of Economic Rijeka, Facolta di Economia Trieste

Podaci o skupu

I. International Conference Economic system of European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia



Rijeka, Hrvatska

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