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Sustainable development of Gorski kotar (Croatia): characteristics and objects (CROSBI ID 493169)

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Smolčić Jurdana, Dora ; Magaš, Dragan Sustainable development of Gorski kotar (Croatia): characteristics and objects // ATLAS Annual Conference 2002 / Richards, Greg (ur.). Estoril: ATLAS, 2002. str. 53-54-x

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Smolčić Jurdana, Dora ; Magaš, Dragan


Sustainable development of Gorski kotar (Croatia): characteristics and objects

Tourism is a strategic economic activity of the Republic of Croatia. Considering geographical characteristics of the area, tourist traffic flow is been mostly realized in the coastal area, while the tourism development of other regions has been neglected in the last thirty years. This territorial spread of tourist traffic is not just a consequence of a high attraction of the Croatian coast, but also the result of inadequate engagement considering tourism development in the other areas where resources for tourism development exist. Contemporary trends in tourism tell us about preferences of tourists toward an active vacation and nature. &#8216 ; New&#8217 ; tourists take a few shorter vacations during a year, visit different tourist destinations. Analysis of those trends and changes in the tourism demand market (finally) shows the opportunity for better tourism valorization of a different regions of Croatia including Gorski kotar. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the opportunities and necessity for sustainable tourism development on the example of Gorski kotar taking into consideration all local specific attributes. Gorski kotar is a mountain area situated only few kilometers from the Adriatic coast. Institutionally is part of the County of the Coast and Gorski kotar, which is very important tourist county of Croatia, but we have to point out the fact that the tourist traffic is mostly realized in towns and small places near the Sea. Research of tourists&#8217 ; attitude shows that tourist offer of just &#8220 ; sun and sea&#8221 ; and other activities and attractions by the sea are not interesting enough for them. Good combination of different geographical and climate areas during vacation would improve tourist satisfaction and their interest to visit the same area again. In the paper the contemporary situation and specific attributes of the Gorski kotar area will be analyzed: &#61623 ; Natural resources &#61623 ; Social and cultural characteristics &#61623 ; Infrastructure &#61623 ; Accommodation capacities (those that already exists and potential in future) Gorski kotar is area of high quality of natural resources and its protection. Nature is recognized as a most important resource for tourism development. The important attributes of the nature, its&#8217 ; heterogeneous and landscape characteristics will be analyzed in the paper. Social and cultural characteristics will be analyzed, too. In Gorski kotar live mostly native inhabitants and that is important fact for sustainable tourism development. That fact gives a special cultural identity that this potential tourist destination has to make recognized on the tourist market, and also impose a necessity of high respect of local inhabitants&#8217 ; characteristics. Infrastructure is the one of the biggest problems in Gorski kotar. Its&#8217 ; insufficient development and quality effects not only tourists, but the local inhabitants, too. Solve of infrastructure problems is therefore necessary with or without of an intensive tourism development. Quality and structure of the accommodation capacities will be analyzed in the paper. Because of the above mentioned facts the strategy of tourism development of Gorski kotar must be in context of the sustainable development. It is the only appropriate solution for successful development acceptable by the local inhabitants and the tourists. Sustainable tourism development on Gorski kotar would have two important effects: &#61623 ; To improve the local economics &#61623 ; To keep the local inhabitants (depopulation stop)

sustainable development; tourism trends; Gorski kotar

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Richards, Greg

Estoril: ATLAS

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Estoril, Portugal

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