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Common Commercial Policy of the European Union (CROSBI ID 493331)

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Bezić, Heri ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Ljubić, Frano Common Commercial Policy of the European Union // Transitional impacts and the EU enlargement complexity / Kumar, Andrej ; Kandžija, Vinko (ur.). Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 2002. str. 167-176-x

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Bezić, Heri ; Kandžija, Vinko ; Ljubić, Frano


Common Commercial Policy of the European Union

The common commercial policy has played an important role since the establishment of the European Union. It was introduced into the relations with non-member trade partners simultaneously with the establishment of the common and later on the single market within the Union. The policy is based on liberal trade between member countries and the common commercial policy for non-members. The common commercial policy regulates the exchange between the EU and non-members through its instruments. It has been conducted differently for particular economic branches, particular partners and competitors on the world market. The basic pillars of the common commercial policy are: common customs policy, common agricultural policy and the system of relating with the third countries. The importance of common commercial policy grew with the development of economic globalization and successful expansion of the European Union. During that period, the EU common commercial policy has been intentionally unified. Such an occurrence is logical because the customs union itself implies that the member countries define their common foreign policy, especially because of the economic and monetary unification of demands for the member countries to hold the same competitive position amongst the non-members. The European Union controls 1/5 of the world trade and plays an important role in the globalization of the world economy. Its common commercial policy protects commercial interests of the Union and aspires to introduce multilateral principles of globalization to as many participants in the world trade as possible, especially within the WTO. The European Union has maintained privileged commercial relations with many countries. Its integrated commercial policy eroded and was replaced by numerous preferential agreements.

Commercial policy; customs policy; agricultural policy; EU commercial agreements

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kumar, Andrej ; Kandžija, Vinko

Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Podaci o skupu

Economic system of European Union and adjustment of Bosnia and Herzegovina



Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina

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