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Competetiveness of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Croatia - Strategic Alliances and Virtual Organization Challenges (CROSBI ID 493420)

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Tipurić, Darko ; Kolaković, Marko Competetiveness of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Croatia - Strategic Alliances and Virtual Organization Challenges // The 6th Annual Asia-Pacific Forum For Small Business: Small and Medium Enterprises Linkages, Networking and Clustering / Juhary haji Ali ; Wan Rafaei Abdul Rahman ; Abdul Aziz Latif (ur.). Kuala Lumpur: Graduate School, University Utara, Malaysia, 2002. str. 276-294-x

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Tipurić, Darko ; Kolaković, Marko


Competetiveness of the Small and Medium Enterprises in Croatia - Strategic Alliances and Virtual Organization Challenges

Abstract The SMEs in Croatia work today the in the unsure business environment which is characterized by the rushing and deep changes, and the unsure and the uncertain future. The progresses in such environment realize only those SMEs that faster and more efficacious adapt to the new circumstances on the market. The flexibility, the innovative and the continuous improvement of business are those elements that become components of strategic approach in the construction of competitiveness of the small and medium enterprises in Croatia. Strategic alliance and virtual organizations involves firms that pull together to share resources, funding, or even equity in a new enterprise of network on a long-term basis. Strategic alliances and virtual organizations are sweeping through nearly every industry and are becoming an essential driver of superior growth. Competitors today know much better each other. Their methods and technologies of production become increasingly unified. Therefore, during the last decades, the number of strategic alliances and virtual organizations has increased radically. Progress in technology, transport, communications, electronics, data processing, telecommunications and in production of new materials enable the virtualization and globalization of business. Enterprises today are linking and networking to reach new customers, compete more effectively and expand into new market. Successful integration is crucial to that: efforts to integrate alliances and virtual organizations need to focus instead on the individual company's potential bargaining power within the partnership. The reality of networking is complex, but their impact on every aspect of economic competition is deep. In paper, we are going to consider critical importance of strategic alliances and virtual organizations for competitiveness of SMEs and present key success factors in management of these new business forms. We shall also try to explore some managerial attitudes of forming strategic alliances and virtual organizations in Croatian economy. We point out that no Croatian firm can afford to ignore the use of these new business models in competitive strategy. Moreover, all firms whether they use alliances or clustering in virtual organizations will face a new competitive environment in which a clearer understanding of the new realities of doing business will lead to their greater success in the future.

Small and Medium Enterprises; Strategic Alliances; Virtrual Organization

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Juhary haji Ali ; Wan Rafaei Abdul Rahman ; Abdul Aziz Latif

Kuala Lumpur: Graduate School, University Utara, Malaysia

Podaci o skupu

The 6th Annual Asia-Pacific Forum For Small Business: Small and Medium Enterprises Linkages, Networking and Clustering



Kuala Lumpur, Malezija

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