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Flatliners: The Story of Croatian Exports (CROSBI ID 493898)

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Babić, Ante Flatliners: The Story of Croatian Exports // Transition in Central and Eastern Europe - Challenges of 21st Century, Conference Proceedings. Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2002. str. 3-8-x

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Babić, Ante


Flatliners: The Story of Croatian Exports

The paper analyses Croatian merchandise exports. Using empirical analysis of the quarterly data of exports, exchange rate, relative price levels and foreign economic activity it founds out that exchange rate is a weak explanatory variable of the value of exports. Next, the structure of exports is analysed by ISIC and SITC classifications. It is found that the structure of Croatian exports hasn&#8217 ; t changed throughout 1990s. When geographic orientation is analysed, Croatia&#8217 ; s relative high share of exports going to EU is dropping and the share of exports to developing countries is rising. Croatia isn&#8217 ; t exporting products with rapidly increasing value.

Exports; International trade; Croatia; Transition

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Sarajevo: Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu

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International Conference of The Faculty of Economics Sarajevo ICES 2002: Transition in Central and Eastern Europe - Challenges of 21st Century



Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

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