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Problems of Reintegration among Serb Returnees in Croatia : Example of tehe Brod-Posavina County (CROSBI ID 28754)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Babić, Dragutin Problems of Reintegration among Serb Returnees in Croatia : Example of tehe Brod-Posavina County // National minorities in South-East Europe : legal and social status at local level. Zagreb: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Zagreb, 2002. str. 130-x

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Babić, Dragutin


Problems of Reintegration among Serb Returnees in Croatia : Example of tehe Brod-Posavina County

The autor of the paper discusses the return of war migrants to their homes, with emphasis on the problem of social interaction between different ethnic, immigrant and domicile groups in the Brodsko-Posavska County. The population of war migrants in the Western part of Brodsko-Posavska county is made up of three recognizable and different groups: returnee Croats (the native/local population that resided in Okučani and the surrounding area until 1991), returnee Serbs (the native/local population that resided in the same area until 1995), and refugee immigrants (the population that had arrived from Bosnia and Herzegovina or, to a lesser degree, from Vojvodina). In this paper we are interested first of all in the possibility of common life, in the regeneration of the network of primary social relations, and in the way in wich the war migrants themselves, now returnees and immigrants, relate to each other.

war migrants, return, coexistence, Brodsko-posavska county

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Zagreb: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Zagreb



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