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Application of Participative Methodology in Designing Sustainable Development Program for Islands - Croatian Case (CROSBI ID 494196)

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Filipić, Petar ; Starc, Nenad Application of Participative Methodology in Designing Sustainable Development Program for Islands - Croatian Case // Litoral 2002. The Changing Coast / Fernando F. M. Veloso - Gomes (ur.). Porto: Eurocoast - Portugal, 2002. str. 159-168-x

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Filipić, Petar ; Starc, Nenad


Application of Participative Methodology in Designing Sustainable Development Program for Islands - Croatian Case

The Croatian National Program for Island Development and the Law on Islands require a design of sustainable development program for 26 islands and island groups. As this is done for the first time in Croatia, there is no experience and no expertise. Faced with these difficulties the Ministry for Public Works Reconstruction and Construction has decided to start the program design by inviting a group of scientists to provide professional and logistic support to the program design. The authors of the program methodology firmly belive that islanders can effectively participate in design of the sustainable development program for their islands and that constructive discussion of different, often contrary, development interests is necessary and possible, and that long-term development goals reflect the concensus of variety of interests and needs. Consenquently they think that from the very beginning this methodology should be designed in intensive co-operation with the island development participants.

Sustainable development; Islands

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Fernando F. M. Veloso - Gomes

Porto: Eurocoast - Portugal

Podaci o skupu

Litoral 2002. The Changing Coast



Porto, Portugal

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