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Tourist eco-charge to protect tourist destination (CROSBI ID 494467)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | domaća recenzija

Fredotović, Maja : Taylor, Tim : Povh, Daria Tourist eco-charge to protect tourist destination // Reinventing a tourism destination. Zagreb: Institute for Tourism Zagreb, Croatian National Tourist Board, 2002. str. 22-22-x

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Fredotović, Maja : Taylor, Tim : Povh, Daria


Tourist eco-charge to protect tourist destination

Eco-tourism and the application of economic instruments for environmental protection are two of the main developments in the last decade in the area of sustainable tourism. The paper examines the application of tourist eco-taxes and then presenting estimated impacts of a tourist eco-charge in Hvar, Croatia. Issues such as competitiveness impacts and the impact on sustainable development of such charge are assessed. Moreover, some new forms of collection of such a charge are developed.

tourism destination; eco-tourism; environmental charges; tourist eco-charge

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Zagreb: Institute for Tourism Zagreb, Croatian National Tourist Board

Podaci o skupu

Reinventing a tourism destination



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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