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Economic Instruments for Combating Land-Based Pollution in the Mediterranean (CROSBI ID 494496)

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Fredotović, Maja Economic Instruments for Combating Land-Based Pollution in the Mediterranean // Proceedings of 6th International Symposium Littoral 2002, Vol. I / Veloso Gomes, F. : Taveira Pinto, F. : das Neves, L. (ur.). Porto: EUROCOAST, EUCC, 2002. str. 145-150-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Fredotović, Maja


Economic Instruments for Combating Land-Based Pollution in the Mediterranean

The paper presents the analysis of the questionnaires on the application of economic instruments to combat land-based pollution in the Mediterranean, the first taken in 1994 and the later in 2001. They pointed out that the problems, especially from the ecological point of view, have been intensified, rarely solved ; their number, frequency and cumulated effects, have risen.Moreover, there were a few significant changes in the coastal areas management and the environmental policies in the countries under study. The analysis, however, depicted some important relationships between the institutional and management systems on one hand, and environmental management of the coastal areas, on the other. The analysis of the number and structure of applied economic instruments depicted certain changes over time. Finally, some conclusions are made along with several guidelines for the improvement of the efficiency of the application of economic instruments and their structure in the Mediterranean.

coastal zone management; economic instruments; environmental protection; land-based pollution

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Veloso Gomes, F. : Taveira Pinto, F. : das Neves, L.


Podaci o skupu

The Changing Coast



Porto, Portugal

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