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The Method of Maritime Domain Evaluation Within the Management Model (CROSBI ID 494714)

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Šimunović, Ivo The Method of Maritime Domain Evaluation Within the Management Model // Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium Littoral 2002, Vol. III / Veloso Gomes, F. : Taveira Pinto, F. : das Neves, L. (ur.). Porto: EUROCOAST, EUCC, 2002. str. 23-26-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Šimunović, Ivo


The Method of Maritime Domain Evaluation Within the Management Model

Coastal area is treated as a public (maritime) domain in the majority of the Mediterranean countries. Its utilization is approved by the state, by the means of concession. The paper tends to support and enchance land-value evaluation procedures as to set up an appropriate rent for the maritime domain during the concession period. The evaluation of land-value within a maritime domain is a method that identifies and investigates the components that determine the value of the land in a particular moment in time. The value of land calculated by the means of the maritime domain evaluation method is not permanent. In order to express the value of the land within a maritime domain on a permanent basis, the maritime evaluation method is to be understood and exercised as a part of a continuous effort that can be defined as a maritime domain management process.

maritime domain; land-value evaluation; concession; land rent

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Veloso Gomes, F. : Taveira Pinto, F. : das Neves, L.


Podaci o skupu

The Changing Coast



Porto, Portugal

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