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izvor podataka: crosbi

Education for Marketing and Management in Tourism Industry (CROSBI ID 494870)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad

Bošković, Desimir ; Đukić, Antonije ; Vukčević, Mladen Education for Marketing and Management in Tourism Industry // Proceeding of the 7th International Conference Travel Trade, Regional Development and Education = Sborník referátů ze 7. mezinárodní konference Cestovní ruch, regionální rozvoj a školství. Česke Budejovice: JČU, 2002. str. 69-74-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Bošković, Desimir ; Đukić, Antonije ; Vukčević, Mladen


Education for Marketing and Management in Tourism Industry

The basic idea of this contribution is to point to varions approacher of the managerial staff education, training and development in the aim of a successful management in the tourism industry. Considerable challengers in this area present for both marketing and management, particularly in the near future when the tourism industry ( is expected to become a dominant economic activity in the world most development economies. Since Croatian is going to be intergated into the international environment, we believe that one of its chances lays in a more serious development of the tourism activities, we are of opinion that our pointed to various experiences in the education, training and development of the managerial structures particularly in the scope of the European Union is logical and appropriates, as well as its comparison to the experiences in Croatia an the presentation of certain guidelinies for the future development of the managerial structures in Croatians tourism

marketing; management; travel trade; development

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Podaci o skupu

7th International Conference Travel Trade, Regional Development and Education = Cestovní ruch, regionální rozvoj a školství



Tábor, Češka Republika

Povezanost rada
