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Economy - material basis of the overall development (CROSBI ID 28923)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Filipić, Petar Economy - material basis of the overall development // Sustainable development of the islands of the Šibensko-kninska county / Filipić, Petar (ur.). Šibenik: Županija Šibensko-kninska ; Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu ; Centar za poduzetništvo Šibensko-kninske županije, 2002. str. 144-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Filipić, Petar


Economy - material basis of the overall development

The model of the economic management of the islands of the Šibensko-Kninska County is based on the "general product" pattern. In the final shaping of the economic structure and its realization the model of general product means the group of political and economic measures according to which this structure is stimulated and protected as a long-term orientation and an element of economic revival of this area based on natural resources. This is a modern model approach to economic and overall development, i.e., individual areas, instead of a model of the whole economic structure is more and more inclined to a development model based on the general product pattern. In that respect the study defines two most important general products of the islands of the Šibensko-Kninska County: &#8220 ; bed&#8221 ; and "ship".

general product, development

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Podaci o prilogu



Podaci o knjizi

Filipić, Petar

Šibenik: Županija Šibensko-kninska ; Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu ; Centar za poduzetništvo Šibensko-kninske županije



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