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Credit institutions in the European Union and Lessons for countries in transition (CROSBI ID 29224)

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Leko, Vlado ; Stojanović, Alen Credit institutions in the European Union and Lessons for countries in transition // Transitional impacts and the EU enlargement complexity. Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 2002. str. 217-227-x

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Leko, Vlado ; Stojanović, Alen


Credit institutions in the European Union and Lessons for countries in transition

In majority of countries, "credit institutions" are the most significant element of their financial structure. The effectiveness of this segment is frequently taken as a measure of success of the entire financial system. In addition to banks, as the most important among them, the group of credit institutions includes a wide variety of deposit savings and corresponding institutions. Due to unique national economic, historical, regulatory and other characteristics these institutions appear in various legal forms and under different names. Their kind, scope of operation and demarcation of their rights and responsibilities in general, relative to other so called "financial institutions", have been for a quarter of a century a subject for regulatory harmonization within the European Union.

credit institutions, EU, countries in transition

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Ljubljana: Ekonomska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani



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