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Teachers' New Role Perceptions - the "Classroom Management" Challenge (CROSBI ID 467110)

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Krbec, Denisa Teachers' New Role Perceptions - the "Classroom Management" Challenge // Izzivi managementa / Vukovič, Goran (ur.). Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 1998. str. 576-582-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Krbec, Denisa


Teachers' New Role Perceptions - the "Classroom Management" Challenge

In this paper some original aspects of organizational orientations have been presented through the analysis of the private schools’ position. Generally, notions concerning the teacher’s role are concentrated on the teaching process organization in the classroom. The organizational interventions in the curriculum structure of the Croatian private schools comes as a result of the shaping a “new” teacher’s role. The sociological research of the value scope of school choice and the attitudes towards the school’s role in the private /public school context indicates some differences in the perceptions related to the teacher’s value orientation. The different approaches to the classroom values can be viewed as significant in the impact possibility perceptions of the teaching process organization.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Vukovič, Goran

Kranj: Moderna organizacija

Podaci o skupu

Izzivi managementa - 17.posvetovanje organizatorjev dela



Portorož, Slovenija

Povezanost rada
