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The Societal Conundrum of Intellectual Property Rights: A Game Theoretical Approach to the Equitable Management and Protection of IPR (CROSBI ID 115826)

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Shultz, Clifford ; Nill, Alexander The Societal Conundrum of Intellectual Property Rights: A Game Theoretical Approach to the Equitable Management and Protection of IPR // European journal of marketing, 36 (2002), 5/6; 667-668-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Shultz, Clifford ; Nill, Alexander


The Societal Conundrum of Intellectual Property Rights: A Game Theoretical Approach to the Equitable Management and Protection of IPR

Observes that variances in standards for and interpretations of intellectual property rights (IPR) around the globe remain one of the great challenges for marketers and stakeholders of the marketing paradigm. Attempts to distil the issues surrounding IPR and its protection, and to examine the phenomenon of IPR violations within a framework of social dilemmas. In so doing, describes and provides examples for some of the problems associated with IPR violations. Contends that much work is still to be done, if it is hoped to implement a global system for IPR protection that serves the best long-term interests for the largest number of society's stakeholders. Concludes with opportunities for further research.

Societal Conundrum; Intellectual Property; Game Theoretical Approach; Equitable Management

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