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On Society, Market Logic and Marketing (CROSBI ID 115829)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad

McDonagh, Pierre ; Shultz, Clifford On Society, Market Logic and Marketing // European journal of marketing, 36 (2002), 5/6; 517-522-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

McDonagh, Pierre ; Shultz, Clifford


On Society, Market Logic and Marketing

The authors aim to shed light on the functions and systems of marketing ; how they reciprocally and systemically affect consumers, marketers and society and represent a form of what is called communal exchange. They observe that marketing's social acceptance truly has come under scrutiny, yet the field still lacks research and theory about the complex and dynamic relationships among marketers, consumers and all the global citizens who have stakes in or are affected by the marketing paradigm, i.e. everyone.

Socety; Market Logic; Marketing

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