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Experience-oriented Shopping Motives as mediators of Shopping Behavior: Findings from an Apparel Shopping Study in Slovenia (CROSBI ID 508644)

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Domen, Bajde ; Rojšek, Iča Experience-oriented Shopping Motives as mediators of Shopping Behavior: Findings from an Apparel Shopping Study in Slovenia // Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe / Chadraba, Petr ; Springer, Reiner (ur.). Beč: DePaul University Chicago and Wirtschaftsuniversitat Vienna, 2002. str. 109-121-x

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Domen, Bajde ; Rojšek, Iča


Experience-oriented Shopping Motives as mediators of Shopping Behavior: Findings from an Apparel Shopping Study in Slovenia

The marketing literature suggests a variety of shopping motives, which by their nature fall into three categories: product-oriented motives (shopping to acquire a product or information about a product), experience-oriented motives (shopping for fun and enjoyment) and a combination of both. Consumers obviously do not shop only to acquire products and useful information, but also for the fun of it. The underlined motivational duality in part determines the consumer's perception of the retail environment, the decision-making process and consequently also his/hers shopping behavior. Our study addresses some of these differences together with their implications, by examining the apparel shopping behavior of young adults in Slovenia (N=208). Two shopper segments: experiential and product shoppers, are derived by means of cluster analysis, thus confirming the importance of shopping experience and the need for retail managers to adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

Shopping Motives; Shopping Behaviour; Apparel; Retailing

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Chadraba, Petr ; Springer, Reiner

Beč: DePaul University Chicago and Wirtschaftsuniversitat Vienna

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The 10th Annual Conference: Marketing and Business Strategies for Central & Eastern Europe



Beč, Austrija

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