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Coastal Zone Management : Macroeconomic Implications (CROSBI ID 468194)

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Filipić, Petar ; Denona, Nada Coastal Zone Management : Macroeconomic Implications // Littoral '98: Proceedings - Sustainable waterfront and coastal developments in Europe: socioeconomics, technical and environmental aspects. Barcelona: European Coastal Association for Science and Technology, 1998. str. 209-219-x

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Filipić, Petar ; Denona, Nada


Coastal Zone Management : Macroeconomic Implications

While non-Mediterranean countries, reaction to jeopardizing the coastal zone by economic activities came from the local level, implementation of the coastal zone management models in the Mediterranean basin came grom the government level. Central government in these countries have taken over respossibility for maritime and coastal resources. Thus, as a consequence of an active macroeconomic policy, complex network of national-local relations is being created in which macroaconomic policies and measures obtain transformed both intensity and direction. The aim of the paper is to reveal macroeconomic implications on the coastal zone economy in different circumstances such as in the case of expansive or restrictive macroeconomic policies, in the case of short or long run, and in the case of greening of tax system. Successfulness evaluations of fiscal and monetary policy measures is tested in terms of four characteristics of the coastal zone (and islands): development level, environmental sensitivity, economy structure and management approach.

coastal zone management models; Mediterranean; macroeconomic policies; green taxes; fiscal policy

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Fourth International Conference - Sustainable waterfront and coastal developments in Europe: socioeconomics, technical and environmental aspects



Barcelona, Španjolska

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