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Influence of forested area in hotel vicinity on hotel accommodation prices (CROSBI ID 77887)

Prilog u časopisu | prethodno priopćenje

Horak, Siniša Influence of forested area in hotel vicinity on hotel accommodation prices // Turizam, 45 (1997), 5-6; 125-138-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Horak, Siniša


Influence of forested area in hotel vicinity on hotel accommodation prices

The research is aimed at establishing the impact of forests in the vicinity of hotels from Senj to Cavtat on the accommodation prices at those hotels. The research is based on the published accommodation prices and interviews conducted with the hotel managers. The results point to a certain connection between the hotel acommodation price and the size of the surrounding forests, since the accommodation price show a downward tendency in accordance with the decreasing forest size.

forest; hotels; accommodation prices; Croatia.

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45 (5-6)





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