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Restructure And Adjustment Of The Croatian Tourism Economy To The Europian Union Economic System (CROSBI ID 463584)

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Bošković, Desimir Restructure And Adjustment Of The Croatian Tourism Economy To The Europian Union Economic System // Economic System Of European Union And Adjustment Of The Republic Of Croatia / Kandžija, Vinko (ur.). Rijeka: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1997. str. 87-91-x

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Bošković, Desimir


Restructure And Adjustment Of The Croatian Tourism Economy To The Europian Union Economic System

This study on the fall of the tourism of Croatia caused not only by the war alone but also by previous of quantiti and quality fall behind latter being the result ooft of date technical and technology tourism facilities and low quality of service. Ecology, culture, active and recreation programmed holidays , new alternative ways of developing torism are just some of the trends included in the new strategy definition and concept pf the development of Croatian tourism in relation to the demands of the European Union Market and Europe as a whole. This stady also focuses on the changes that must beffected in our tourism economy in order to comply with the European Union Markt. This in the first place means to accept all European standards on development, business monitoring, categorisation, quality of service, marketing, management, technology, education, etc.

restructure; adjustment; new strategy; tourism economy

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kandžija, Vinko

Rijeka: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Podaci o skupu

International Conference Economic System Of European Union And Adjustment Of The Republic Of Croatia



Rijeka, Hrvatska

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