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Work Standards in Civil Engineering, Protection or Exploitation of Workers (CROSBI ID 470344)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Bučar, Gorazd Work Standards in Civil Engineering, Protection or Exploitation of Workers // Technology and Social Development 98 / Juraj Plenković (ur.). Rijeka: Građevinski fakultet Rijeka i Hrvatsko komunikološko društvo, 1998. str. 84-89

Podaci o odgovornosti

Bučar, Gorazd


Work Standards in Civil Engineering, Protection or Exploitation of Workers

In this paper an examination account of civil engineering work standards and treir influence on workers capability and security have been given for the experts opinions are divided. The examination results can be sumarized through following statements: if work standards have been established and determined by scientific procedures, then they stimulate appropriate working environment, protect the worker from exxcosive weariness and exploitation on the part of the employer and safeguard his health and working capabilities; the notion was confirmed that it is not sufficient to just apply work standards if collaboration and interest of all participants in the undertaking of eorking process have not been secured. One s work can be effective and of high quality, but poor, as well. The success of the undertaking depends on succesful motivation of people. Man is the creator and executor of the working process.

Civil engineering; protection; exploitation

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Juraj Plenković

Rijeka: Građevinski fakultet Rijeka i Hrvatsko komunikološko društvo

Podaci o skupu

Technology and Social Development 98



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
