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Marketing for the Croatian Hospitality Industry in This Period of Transition (CROSBI ID 470388)

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Borković-Vrtiprah, Vesna Marketing for the Croatian Hospitality Industry in This Period of Transition // - / Srečko goić (ur.). Beč : Split, 1997

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Borković-Vrtiprah, Vesna


Marketing for the Croatian Hospitality Industry in This Period of Transition

The hospitality industry in contemporary Croatia is a highly competitive field, requiring strategic planning and marketing skills directed towards business survival and profitability. This paper explores the present state of the hospitality industry in this complex period of transition, stressing the need for long-term marketing strategies. The paper focuses on improving service and product quality, which would lead to obtaining a share of the market.


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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji


Srečko goić

Beč : Split:

Podaci o skupu

Proceedings of Second International Conference ťEnterprise in TransitionŤ DAAAM




Povezanost rada
