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Redefining Dubrovniks Tourism Within Sustainability (CROSBI ID 470396)

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Borković-Vrtiprah, Vesna Redefining Dubrovniks Tourism Within Sustainability // 1st International Scientific Congress Atena, Grčka, 19.05.1998-21.05.1998

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Borković-Vrtiprah, Vesna


Redefining Dubrovniks Tourism Within Sustainability

Dubrovnik, once one of the leading Mediterranean tourist destinations, is gradually returning to the international tourist market, from which it had almost entirely disappeared as a result of war. However, fundamental changes in the approach to tourism and its practice are absolutely required, regardless of the visible comeback of tourists to Dubrovnik in 1997. Dubrovnik has to abandon the concept of mass tourism and must rely on support from both the tourist sector and entire country. Reconstruction and development have to be based not only on the exceptional and generally well-preserved natural resources, but on the architectural, cultural-historical and traditional heritages. The new concept of developing a sustainable tourism cannot be made possible without improving the quality of the product offered and without replacing the policy of mass tourism for a marketing strategy with an aim.With this in mind, the paper offers some directions for future development of tourism in Dubrovnik.

Dubrovnik; war; cultural heritage; sustainable development

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1st International Scientific Congress



Atena, Grčka

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