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Ranking of enterprises based on multicriterial analysis (CROSBI ID 84353)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Babić, Zoran ; Tomić-Plazibat, Neli Ranking of enterprises based on multicriterial analysis // International journal of production economics, 56-57 (1998), 29-35-x

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Babić, Zoran ; Tomić-Plazibat, Neli


Ranking of enterprises based on multicriterial analysis

This paper deals with the ranking of enterprises according to the achieved level of business efficiency using the PROMETHEE method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The main purpose of this work is to present the methodology which at every moment can answer the question about financial standing of a particular enterprise. The possibility of the multicriterial analysis in efficiency assessing as well as its use in deepening understanding of the complex nature of the notion of efficiency will be presented.

business efficiency; multicriterial analysis; hybrid model

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