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Zero-one Programming and AHP in Investment Decision Making (CROSBI ID 750587)

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Babić, Zoran ; Tomić-Plazibat, Neli Zero-one Programming and AHP in Investment Decision Making // Workshop on Operations Research. 1998.

Podaci o odgovornosti

Babić, Zoran ; Tomić-Plazibat, Neli


Zero-one Programming and AHP in Investment Decision Making

The selection of one or a group of the best (the most profitable) investment projects from a set of proposed or possible ones is a long-established task which is getting more relevant in Croatia after the introduction of new economic relations tending to be increasingly market oriented. This work presents a new approach to investment decision making by the use of multicriterial analysis. Namely, models with single criterion, most frequently net present value (NPV) or payback period, are used in practical application very often. Each of these criteria estimates financial efficiency in a different way, and it is useful to apply all criteria simultaneously.

investment decision making; financial efficiency estimation

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Podaci o izdanju

Workshop on Operations Research


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