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Statistical Education in Transition Countries (CROSBI ID 470920)

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Rozga, Ante Statistical Education in Transition Countries // Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Statistics / Pereira-Mendoza, Lionel (ur.). Singapur: International Statistical Institute, 1998. str. 643-644-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Rozga, Ante


Statistical Education in Transition Countries

There are specific problems in statistical education in Croatia as a transition country. Being a part of former Yugoslavia she was communist country with specific system of secondary and university education, and at the same time the country in the process of economic development. Students from grammar schools come with much greater knowledge of mathematics than students from other secondary schools. The later face problems to understand mathematical foundations of statistics. In developing country the use of computers during pre-university education was scarce due to the shortage of money invested in computer technology so it is possible to find university student without any touch with computer in previous education. In the process of modern statistical education the role of computers becomes much more important, so the situation in Croatia is improving rapidly. There is a problem of so-called "computer culture" for general population. It is recommended not to use computers in statistical education from the very beginning, because studet must understand mathematical and statistical operations without computers. Some professors think that students must solve as many problems as they can without computers, and only after that to use it for computations on massive scale. The other problems in statistical education during Communist rule was the lack of some statistical techniques such as survey sampling, because it was politically unwise. Statistical methodology in e.g. business statistics was also unlike western standards, due to big difference in economic and political system. Now, after the fall od communism, Croatian economy as well as statistical education is approaching western style.

statistical education; computer culture; business statistics

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Pereira-Mendoza, Lionel

Singapur: International Statistical Institute

Podaci o skupu

5th International Conference on Teaching Statistics




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