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Mediterranean countries in financial globalization (CROSBI ID 470938)

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Pojatina, Davor Mediterranean countries in financial globalization // International Workshop on Cooperation and Development in the Mediterranean. Split, 1999

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Pojatina, Davor


Mediterranean countries in financial globalization

Research has confirmed that the economic development is closely connected with variety of available financial services, introduction of new financial products and tehniques as well as with internalization of tinancial markets. Isolated national financial systems are to be intergrated into global financial systems and into the world market where uniform prices are formed for each and every financial asset, beacuse this will offer a number of advantages. Ultimately, forign financial sources will be more accessible and by selection of investment projects on the yield-risk principle the rise in capital productivity will be provided.

financial markets; fiancial systems; financial services; internalization of financial markets

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International Workshop on Cooperation and Development in the Mediterranean

pozvano predavanje


Brela, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
