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Development of tourism in rural areas of croatia (CROSBI ID 471031)

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Magaš, Dragan ; Smolčić-Jurdana, Dora Development of tourism in rural areas of croatia // Rural Tourism Management: Sustainable Options Conference proceedings / Hall, Derek ; O'Hanlon, Linsey (ur.). Ayr: SAC Auchincruive, 1998. str. 53-75-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Magaš, Dragan ; Smolčić-Jurdana, Dora


Development of tourism in rural areas of croatia

The Republic of Croatia has great tourism potentials and points out tourism as the important development priority. Scientists, practicians and the local population become concious of the need for controlled tourism development which has to take care about the natural surrounding and the cultural and historical inheritance. Therefore, is the number of followers of sustainable tourism development increasing more and more. The aim of this paper is to analyze the rural areas of Croatia which are nowdays insufficient valorized. On this area is necessery to plan accepting the concept of sustainable development, because the development would be concerned with economic profit, and would help the demografic renewal of the villages. This paper also analyze the relation between the development or rural tourism and the regional development in general. The development of tourism in rural areas of Croatia has to complement to the development of maritime areas, and all this in the function of development of integral tourism product, where the values of the continental areas are equal to values of the coast, and create together an entity.

tourism development; rural areas; Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Hall, Derek ; O'Hanlon, Linsey

Ayr: SAC Auchincruive

Podaci o skupu

Rural tourism management: Sustainable options



Auchincruive, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

Povezanost rada
