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Fostering enterprise through reintegration into the world economy : the case od selected countries in transition (CROSBI ID 24738)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Vidučić, Ljiljana Fostering enterprise through reintegration into the world economy : the case od selected countries in transition // Public and private sector partnership : learning for growth / Montanheiro, L...[et al.] (ur.). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University, 1998. str. 647-657-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Vidučić, Ljiljana


Fostering enterprise through reintegration into the world economy : the case od selected countries in transition

In order to secure sustainable, poverty-reducing and viable development, governments of cee countries should demonstrate institutional capabilities providing institutional infrastructure, supportive macroeconomic environment and avoiding unpredictable changes in rules, also long term strategy of developmentwhich will highly rank financial regulation and deepening of financial markets.

financial markets, institutional infrastructure

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Podaci o knjizi

Montanheiro, L...[et al.]

Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University



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