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Environmental Management System - Support to Sustainable Development of Mediterranean Regions (Case Study of the Kaštela Bay, Croatia) (CROSBI ID 471271)

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Fredotović, Maja ; Grčić, Branko ; Pečarić, Mario Environmental Management System - Support to Sustainable Development of Mediterranean Regions (Case Study of the Kaštela Bay, Croatia) // Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cooperation and Development in the Mediterranean / Nikolinakos, M. et al. (ur.). Split: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 1999

Podaci o odgovornosti

Fredotović, Maja ; Grčić, Branko ; Pečarić, Mario


Environmental Management System - Support to Sustainable Development of Mediterranean Regions (Case Study of the Kaštela Bay, Croatia)

The research is based on the integrated approach to the management of the Mediterranean regions aiming to achieve a sustainable development. Appreciating the complexity and multiple levels and time-horizons of such a management process, a special attention is paid to the definition of an institutionalised management mechanism, necessary for the implementation of integrated management, that is, the Environmental Management System (EMS). Its structure, possible financing sources, available measures and instruments will be of particular interest for the authors, as well as transmission mechanisms of the sustainable development policy in relation to all the dimensions of a complex regional structure (economic, ecological, demographical, social etc.). Dynamics of a long-term development process have imposed a need for an adequate system dynamics simulation model (SDSM) of a region as a support for the EMS. Although the model is expressed only at a high-aggregated structre level, fundamental processes determining multidimensional development balance can be recognised. The SDSM can be thus used for a preliminary check-up of possible effects of various management decisions. At last, there is a short review of the implementation of the EMS in the Kaštela Bay area, which is one of the most endangered coastal zones of the Mediterranean.

environmental management system; system dynamics simulation model; sustainable development policy

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Nikolinakos, M. et al.

Split: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu

Podaci o skupu

International Workshop on Cooperation and Development in the Mediterranean



Brela, Hrvatska

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