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Development Management of the Backward Regions (CROSBI ID 471395)

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Karaman-Aksentijević, Nada ; Kandžija, Vinko Development Management of the Backward Regions // Management und Entwicklung / Thommen, Jean-Paul ; Belak, Janko ; Kaizer, Štefan (ur.). Maribor, 1998. str. 94-98-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Karaman-Aksentijević, Nada ; Kandžija, Vinko


Development Management of the Backward Regions

The authors are researching the development trends of the Lika-Senj County economy. The main ressons of the development backwardness are being identified, but also the development advantages of the County. Starting from these findings and from the theoretical elaboration of the problem of underdeveloped regions, they suggest the practicable approach to the management of their development. In case of the Lika-Senj County they plead for an approach in stages. In the first stage the emphasis is on the economic valorization of the comparative advantages on the construction of a corresponding infrastructural support to the development, and on the development of the human potentials. The development results of the first stage will make possible the engagement of the second stage, in which the emphasis is on the formation of competitive advantages.

Development; development management; regional development

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Thommen, Jean-Paul ; Belak, Janko ; Kaizer, Štefan


Podaci o skupu

Management und Entwicklung



Portorož, Slovenija

Povezanost rada
