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The European Union and the Mediterranean Countries (CROSBI ID 471416)

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Kandžija, Vinko ; Biljan-August, Maja ; Božina, Lovre The European Union and the Mediterranean Countries // Cooperation and Development in the Mediterranean / Šimunović, Ivo (ur.). Split : Brela: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 1999

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Kandžija, Vinko ; Biljan-August, Maja ; Božina, Lovre


The European Union and the Mediterranean Countries

The policy of the European Union concerning the Mediterranean Countries dates back to the seventies. In the 1976-1977 period the Union concluded with these countries an agreement on the Global Meditterranean Policy. The agreement was enriched with the financial protocol for five-year period. In the meantime the Union has defined its new Mediterranean policy in three stages. Concerning these countries the Union is now in the stage of concluding the agreement in the zone of free trade. Macroeconomic stability, free competition and transparency of the (contractual) provisions that the European enterprises have when opening the Uniform European Market, will be expanded also to the other Mediterranean countries. This paper includes the analysis of the European Union policy concerning the Mediterranean countries as well as the influence of the Union on the economic and political stability of these countries.

European Union; Mediterranean Countries

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Šimunović, Ivo

Split : Brela: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu

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