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Assessing the Comparative Spatial Disadvantages of Regions in the European Union and Croatia (CROSBI ID 471477)

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Bezić, Heri ; Šegota, Alemka Assessing the Comparative Spatial Disadvantages of Regions in the European Union and Croatia // Economic System of the EU and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia - Book of Abstracts / Kandžija ; Kumar ; Palankai et al. (ur.). Rijeka: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1999. str. 30-x

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Bezić, Heri ; Šegota, Alemka


Assessing the Comparative Spatial Disadvantages of Regions in the European Union and Croatia

European regions are not all on the same level of development. Some of them are very advanced, and some are extremely impeded. The development is mainly focussed in urban regions. The impeded areas are characterized by low incomes and higher rate of unemployment. A huge development gap exists even between regions within certain countries. Some regions have extremely low incomes, high rate of emigration and poor possibility for business development, while some other regions are very affluent and don't know for such problems. The development gap between regions is extremely huge, and the main problem is its tendency to widen even more. The developed centers are able to practice the economies of scale, have advanced infrastructure, qualified workers, intense supply and welldeveloped market ... The free mobility of work and money aggravate the situation even further, directing the production factors to where they bring forward the greatest results, i.e. the developed regions. The regional development imbalance presents a threat to integration processes, and balancing the economic level of development would thus be very important to the EU. There is no doubt that the countries in transition, future EU members, are going to face this threat, and Croatia is one of them. To balance the development gap and help the impeded countries and regions, it is extremely important to determine the right method for estimating the underdevelopment. This paper is to deal with the non-radial data envelopment analysis as a possible method for assessing disadvantage of regions. Using the results of the applied method, it will estimate the Croatia's position in relation to the EU regions, pointing out the outcomes of such a position.

Non-radial data envelopment analysis; Disadvantage of regions

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kandžija ; Kumar ; Palankai ; Karaman Aksentijević ; Gabrovec Mei

Rijeka: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Podaci o skupu

II International Conference: Economic System of the EU and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia



Rijeka, Hrvatska

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