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Statistical Analysis of the Unemployment (CROSBI ID 471479)

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Biljan-August, Maja Statistical Analysis of the Unemployment // Economic System of the European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia - Book of Abstracts / Kandžija ; Biljan-August ; Gabrovec Mei et al. (ur.). Lovran: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1999. str. 31-x

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Biljan-August, Maja


Statistical Analysis of the Unemployment

It is well known that the degree of employment is taken as a significant indicator of the development of a country or territory, and the degree of unemployment indicates economic instability. Today the EU countries have the highest unemployment level recorded after World War II. The mounting unemployment in Europe of the nineties caused more concrete measures to be taken in order to reduce unemployment, and especially to encourage the employment of the young, the long-term unemployed and unemployed women, and achieve greater efficacy of national and Community labour markets. In this way it has been confirmed that the drive against unemployment remains the EU priority task. The aim of this paper is the empirical analysis of the unemployment in EU and Croatia and statistical analysis of the specific unemloyment rates.

European Union; Republic of Croatia; Unemployment; Specific unemployment rates

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kandžija ; Biljan-August ; Gabrovec Mei ; Kumar ; Bernard ; Svetličić

Lovran: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci

Podaci o skupu

II. International Conference economic System of the European Union and Adjustment of the Republic of Croatia



Lovran, Hrvatska

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