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Events as a Part of a Tourism Strategy (CROSBI ID 24794)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Pančić Kombol, Tonka Events as a Part of a Tourism Strategy // Events-Wachstumsmarkt im Tourism? / Freyer, Walter ; Meyer, Dorothea ; Scherhag, Knut (ur.). Dresden: Deutschen Instituts für Tourismusforschung, 1998. str. 179-190-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pančić Kombol, Tonka


Events as a Part of a Tourism Strategy

The paper outlines the necessary changes which have to be implemented for further tourism development. If our understanding of the event is as a new attraction, then, it is necessary to create a development strategy at state level which offers measures of encouragement to various bodies and bouth regional and local authorities with the aim of creating improved relationships and investment opportunities, and the applications of marketing principles which will help participantes in realising the event and make greater profit in all areas.

event, tourism development, attractions, investment opportunities

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Podaci o knjizi

Freyer, Walter ; Meyer, Dorothea ; Scherhag, Knut

Dresden: Deutschen Instituts für Tourismusforschung



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