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Trial and Error or Being Market Oriented: The Case of Small Enterpreneurship in Croatia (CROSBI ID 471575)

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Korade, Korina Trial and Error or Being Market Oriented: The Case of Small Enterpreneurship in Croatia. 1998

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Korade, Korina


Trial and Error or Being Market Oriented: The Case of Small Enterpreneurship in Croatia

Very small enterpreneurs were in focus of presentation. As owned by one person, in this firms there are no marketing-experts to run the business. The questions that rise are: - How do they adapt to changing environment? - Is their small size the limit of their growth? - What are the directions to be taken when growth is present? - Are small enterpreneurs implementing marketing business philosophy or they are doing things impulsively using "trial and error philosophy"? - If so, are they successfull and why? Pilot study was conducted trying to answer this questions and looking for more detailed information of the observed problem. It showed that plans, customer orientation, consideration for competitors, and feed-back information from the market in general are missing ; marketing is narrowed to promotion and chances are taken on the "trial and error" bases. But for how long small enterpreneurs can stay in the market without being market oriented, considering that the competition will be tuffer and customers more aware of their needs?

trial and error; market orientation; small enterpreneurship; Croatia

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Rijeka, Hrvatska

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