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Marketing and Development in Transition Economies: A Comparison to the Southeast Asian Experience (CROSBI ID 471597)

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Shultz, Clifford ; Pecotich, Antony Marketing and Development in Transition Economies: A Comparison to the Southeast Asian Experience. 1998

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Shultz, Clifford ; Pecotich, Antony


Marketing and Development in Transition Economies: A Comparison to the Southeast Asian Experience

Clifford Shultz and Antony Pecotich made a joint presentation discussing their seminal model on marketing, development and transition (cf. Shultz and Pecotich 1997), and the implications for enterprise development and successful socioeconomic transition in Croatia and other tranzition economies in Southeast Europe. Shultz and Pecotich developed this model based on a review of the extant literature and several-years' fieldwork in Southeast Asia. The authors essentially contend that marketing and development in transition economies is dependent upon the successful management and integration of systems, whereby the private sector and policy makers administer natural, economic, political and social systems via proven marketing-driven administrative subsystems and models of management, with the long-term net result of optimal societhal welfare. The presentation includes an overview and discussion of the model and comparative illustrations from Southeast Asia's transition economies, with a particular emphasis on Cambodia and Vietnam. Although it can be argued that Cambodia and Vietnam are fundamentally different from, for example, Croatia, framing the transition process vis-á-vis the Shultz and Pecotich model can provide unique insights and understandings about appropriate points of intervention, emphasis and resource allocation, to achieve societal goals that abet consumer welfare, and ultimately the long-term best interests of individual nations, trade blocs and regions. In addition to the model, photographic slides and other presentation materials are used to illustrate field phenomena and to make comparative illustrations to potentially similar phenomena in Croatia and other transition economies of Southeast Europe.

Marketing; Development; Transition Economies

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Simpozij "Marketing Resource Development Strategies For South East Europe"



Rijeka, Hrvatska

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