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Management at the University Level in the Repubulic of Croatia (CROSBI ID 472170)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Kesić, Tanja ; Ljubić, Franjo ; Pavlović, Ivan Management at the University Level in the Repubulic of Croatia // The 15th Triennial Conference, The International Federation of Operational Research Societies / Toth, Paolo (ur.). Peking: Federation of Operational Research Societies, 1999. str. 119-129-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kesić, Tanja ; Ljubić, Franjo ; Pavlović, Ivan


Management at the University Level in the Repubulic of Croatia

The aim of this paper was to determine the motives that had prompted professors to choose their profession, the allocation of time for different jobs they perform, the evaluation of significance of certain factors in choosing their profession and the satisfaction thew get from their work.

Management; academics; organization; job satisfaction; Republic of Croatia

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Toth, Paolo

Peking: Federation of Operational Research Societies

Podaci o skupu

The 15th Triennial Conference The International Federation of Operational Research Societies



Peking, Kina

Povezanost rada
